September 5, 2010

And so it begins

I don't really know what the outcome of this will be, hopefully it's not the same as other peoples... Anyway this is only the beginning for me, I start my research on him now. If you have no idea what I'm talking about I suggest you keep it that way, although I will link to it in this post. If you don't like paranormal phenomena or believe it's nothing but lies, this blog is not for you.

I suppose I should introduce myself, My name is Vincent Del Vecchio and I'm a 16 year old high school student. I have great interest in the paranormal and that is where my story begins.  Around June 16th I discovered a youtube channel by the name of MarbleHorners (Youtube page here). What I saw in these videos the channel has posted introduced to me a new paranormal creature (?) known as Slender Man. It is said that he doesn't appear the same to everybody but he is always represented the same way when drawn. After learning about HIM it seems that I can't stop researching about him Which is where this blog comes in. I will be posting another blog with his qualities listed soon but in the mean while I suggest you watch the MarbleHornets entry's on youtube.

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